Compliance and HR Training

LMS learning to keep your managers and employees up to speed

Online Training for Managers and Employees

Whether you nee harassment prevention training or advanced HR and customer service training, Infinium has the solution with our flexible employee learning management system.

Make sure you're in compliance

Harassment Prevention

Compliance with SB 1343, Harassment Prevention Training, has never been easier with our online learning course. Managers and Employees take the course at their own pace from a PC, phone or tablet.

Build better leadership in your company

Leadership Training

HR management success comes from knowledge and practice. Our leadership helps new and existing managers become better able to direct and motivate people with a servant leaders heart.

You don't have to navigate legal mandates alone!

Wage and Hour Compliance

It's important to deliver HR compliance at a level closest to the employees where wage and hour violations can become minefields. We help train your managers in basic HR 01 compliance to help eliminate liability.

Knowledge is a Powerful Thing

The more your people know, the more you can grow and succeed

Request a PAYROLL QUOTE, or if you need to see more, request a DEMO and let us show you the power of our advanced technology that will streamline employee compliance and HR administration

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